Friday, 18 April 2008

Its a compliment when...

It was nice of Simon / Molly and at TravelBuzz to take an interest, though I may have caused some controversy by describing New York as 'Past it' - Perhaps I was a bit unfair to NYC, after all, I said it myself, I avoided the things I like the most about it, the 5th Avenue glitz. So, I'll eat my words somewhat, but the East Village is no longer for me.

Go to NYC and indulge in the things you love, for it has something to satisfy any taste. Just think twice about what you tell your Mum!


Anonymous said...

Waaahhhhh! Look how cool and famous you are! Duck, it's the paps!!

See? I told you that you'd make a fortune writing witty travel guides. :)

STA travelbuzz said...

Honestly, there is no fame like the fame of being featured on STA travelbuzz ;) Glad you've recanted about NY!

Claudine said...

Loving your journey!! Is the weather following you?

iamscoby said...

By now I think I may have found the weather, though it's pretty hard to avoid it in Thailand! Oregon on the other hand, was like well, the pictures say it best! Weird Weird Weird....